Friday, June 28, 2024

End Of June

Oakley was neutered last Monday so my days have been filled with walking him slowly, not being able to play catch and waiting for the meds to wear off. He certainly walked like a “drunken sailor”. So funny. He is also on antibiotics to make sure everything heals well.

SWMBO and The Grad had to make sure he is okay. I cannot get a thing done for them calling, coming over and meeting me at the vets when Oakley came home. I must be popular as each phone call lasted over 1/2 hour.

The boys were over last weekend so naturally I put them to work. We got the balcony cleaned off. So much dirt and dust blows in when it is windy. Then they laid carpet out there for me. I still need a couple more but for now it is nice and clean.

More rain this week. Almost every day. The days it didn’t rain we spent it outside lounging in the sun.

Tomorrow is a family grad party. We are. BBQing chicken and burgers. There will also be salads. Easy peasy. From here on in, the summer should be slower.

My great niece has left for Boston from Calgary. She has been in the female hockey showcase the past couple of years. At this one, scout from various colleges, universities and women’s hockey teams will be there. I hope all that are there play well. She goes into high school this fall and yes all this other stuff goes on as well. Her grades are awesome. So proud of her.

Grandson 3 has finished league play for baseball. It is now playoffs. I hope they do well. He is one heck of a pitcher. The games he hasn’t pitched have been losses for his team. Yes even at a young age they have to rest the main pitchers arm. 

I got a good deal on some fabric at a garage sale. Looking forward to seeing how I use it.



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mid June

We are now past the mid June point and yes it is still raining. I have been able to sit out only a few times this spring. Looks like it is going to be a cool summer, just as it was last year. Sigh

SWMBO has come over a few times. I think she is bored. She is use to go go go. 

Oakley is now walking every four hours. It is getting to be our routine. Nice. We do one big walk per day. If the weather is rally nice we do two. He is house trained, but still has the odd accident. This should stop soon. He gets his man parts removed on Monday. I still need to find a decent groomer soon. Maybe I will make that tomorrow’s job. He has about outgrown his harness. I was going to buy one but heck, I have the old one for a pattern to use to make it bigger and the closures can be made bigger with what I have. Yay for being frugal.

I don’t think I realized just how much my oldest son (the golfer) is like his dad. We had a brief conversation about it and realized we are over the top happy to have had him as a father. It has been 13 years and we all still miss G every day.

On the home front, I took out all vegetables then sliced and diced. I have the peels for a pot of broth. I have a few meals for stir fry, roasted vegetables and diced up to add to eggs. Pleased with that. Tomorrow I will make apples into apple sauce. I am not a big fan of apple sauce, but it is good to have some on hand. 

I need to go to the city but am putting it off until my neighbour gets their car back. It was to be a three day fix. Then was told not till today. Now they are unsure when. I want my car to be here for them to use to pick up groceries, get their vehicle, emergencies and what ever. I have enough puppy food till Friday. At that time if the neighbours still need my car, I will get SWMBO to pick me up some.

Today we had big doings in town. People saw these two guys walking along looking into cars. Our local looky see group updated us and we updated them. The police came barreling into town. Two cars were stationed outside three school that are next to each other and one car was stationed outside the high school. There were no lockdowns just a visible precaution. It turns out these two fellows have recently moved here from South America. They have employment in the city and usually someone picks them up for work. Turns out today was their day off and they are trying to get acclimatized to this area, so they walk. What a waste of resources, but better to be safe than sorry.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Tidbits

 Another Sunday comes around. I think as I get older, the weeks go faster and faster. 

It has been a lazy week inside. 

Monday I vacuumed and straightened up and we had five walks

Tuesday was a dog day. He isn’t doing well on his food. Not a good thing. Grumpy, tired and goes poop lots. We had five walks

Wednesday I emptied and refilled the dishwasher. SWMBO came over to meet Oakley. He fell in love with her. Even looked at her with puppy dog eyes. We had four walks and one accident inside. We all went for a walk for an ice cream cone, WORST ice cream ever. 

Thursday back to the dog food. I went into the city to get new food, a bed and some meds. Gave him only water all day. He feels better.

Friday was the day to start him on food again, but only in late afternoon. SHMBO and SWGs came over to visit the pup…not me…just him. We went for a long walk, much enjoyed by all. SHMBO has a critter in her attic. Noise went on overnight

Saturday he is on the new food and is much better. Spunky, playing, growling at his favourite toy. I picked up a few groceries. We walked between rain storms. Did I say how sick I am of rain? You better believe I am. 

Sunday. SHMBO called to say the critter is back. I told her to call an exterminator. We both live in the country so who knows when they will show. BTW she has no access to her attic. That came about with her bathroom reno. She may have to have another one put in. Whatever they do, I hope they don’t just spray poison in it and let it die up there. If they do I am sure flies will get in and make maggots. Yuck. Bichons like to play fight, so we have been doing quite a lot of that today. He feels much better.

Making lunch for us
Onward and upward.



Saturday, June 8, 2024

Rain Rain

 Go away. Don’t come back another day.

April was cold. May was cold and rainy. June is still cool and rainy. We need some heat and sun.

After two years I have got myself another pup. He is a Bichon and his name is Oakley.

He is eight months old and full of beans. The people I got him from did not give him good food and definitely not puppy food. Ah it is what it is. His system will adjust. He fell in love with my daughter (She Who Must Be Obeyed) came on Thursday to meet him and then yesterday SHMBO and my GD (She Who Works Many Jobs) came. Oakley loves SWWMJ.

No garden this year because of the rain and the cold. I had great plans. Oh well, maybe next years

When I opened my last bag of apples this one came out.  It looks like a heart made by the way the leaf lay on it while ripening.


1. No spend week. Fail. Spent on puppy supplies and arthritis supplies.

2. Clean bathroom. Done

3. Vacuum. Done

4. Eat Healthy. Fail. Ate whatever was handy. Still lost weight though.

5. Walk everyday. Done. Did between 9000 and 10,000 steps each day

That’s my week

How was yours?



Please Help

 I am posting the following for a friend. We grew up together and having had members of my family have kidney problems, this is close to my ...