Friday, October 18, 2024

I hurt

 Well, last week Wednesday I got a few groceries. I was all in a dither about the gal next door, coming to my place after school. I wasn’t sure what she would want for a snack. I also did not know if I had good plans for activities. On top of that, I was in a hurry as she gets out of school at 3:10 pm so would be here at 3:15. I decided to put the groceries on my balcony then retrieve them once I parked and got in. I wasn’t thinking and hurrying so tripped over the parking curb. I ended up hitting my head. My nose was bleeding.  I got the cat parked and rushed into the apartment to stop my nose bleed. Got the groceries in just in time. I called my daughter to come check me out. It is a 45 minute drive for her so it’s a big deal to ask her.  She came checked me out and watched me for a bit. As it was A did not want a snack. She played on her phone then decided to go to their apartment and check on the dogs. Next day, I had a black eye, my nose still was a tiny bit bloody, my knee was scratched and bruised. My chest felt like a steam roller has driven over it.  Now a week later the nose is sore, the eye still is a bit bruised, my knee is still bruised and my chest has been determined to be either really bruised or I may have a broken rib. Thankful for heat and ice.  The long and short is that my husband was always telling me to slow down. Guess he is laughing at me.

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