Monday, July 15, 2024

Loving This Day

 We had an early thunderstorm. Now it is partly cloudy, windy and beautifully cool.

I am onto my next step of downsizing. For me this means getting rid of items not needed, things moved etc. in other words just crap. I am tired of the bugs so ditched most of my plants. I repurposed my plant stand into my studio (crap room #2). Now I need to vacuum, dust and wash the floors. I also threw out stuff from my fridge freezer that got lost and is over a year old. Why did I not eat it? Good question. I don’t like salmon any more and I don’t like beet borscht anymore. I had a couple of items I made that were way too salty and since I have kidney issues, out they went. Do I feel guilty? No was stuff taking up valuable property. 

What happened yesterday? Nothing of importance. Since having Oakley neutered, he is having issues with going to the bathroom in the house. We couldn’t do long walks last week due to the heat, so we have been doing short walks every two hours. It was better so will continue on in that vein for a while till all pertinent items are healed. I thought dogs heal fast, but not so. The vet told me it could take a couple of months for everything to heal. Also, his hormones are out of whack and that also will take time. Wish I lived in a house then it wouldn’t be such an issue. Here in the apartment he smells all the other dogs and still needs to mark his territory. I need to be fully attentive with this issue. I also went down the rabbit whole watching infield events at the Calgary Stampede and other ones also.

The plans this week include (I hope) renting a truck to take a few things to the dump. I wish we had better recycling here. Oh well.

He is getting so long.



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Please Help

 I am posting the following for a friend. We grew up together and having had members of my family have kidney problems, this is close to my ...