Saturday, July 20, 2024

I Could Swim

 In this humidity and if I was a better swimmer.

I nearly drown in the rain barrel when I was two. Someone (my dad) had left the cover off. Being of a curious nature, I looked in and there I went. I remember standing on the bottom, looking up and thinking how pretty the sun sparkling on the water looked. Then wondering why I couldn’t get out and why I couldn’t breathe. The youngest brother was always working on a project, so it was a miracle that he heard me. He called mom “Mom Jean’s in the rain barrel”.  Ext thing I remember was waking up in the crib. I remember my mom has washed my hair that morning and I had rags in my hair used to make ringlets. I sat up my mom told me to lay down as the water needed to drain out of my lungs. So I. Did and went back to sleep. My dad sure got in heck over that one. This leads to me not trusting myself in water. As an adult I did take swimming lessons. I passed maroon (the old scale) but I never did get the gist of breathing in water. I do so much enjoy aqua sizes and enjoy being in the deep end. Figure that one out.

I did my Dr. appointment yesterday. It was so good for me, not so much for her. Her first appointment was with an elderly couple and their daughter. It would have been a normal appointment if they would have let the daughter interact with doctor. That took her 3/4 of an hour behind. Then it was my turn. As we were going through my test results, a woman went into distress. Another patient got pushed from the other examining room and doctor had her hands full with the woman. She got her stabilized. It was pure luck that doctor’s son was there training a new receptionist cause with them ripping up the parking lot, no ambulance could get in. Son to the rescue and on her way to the hospital. Finished my appointment and as I was leaving an ambulance went speeding by. I guess the son ended up calling an ambulance for said woman. Now Doctor was over an hour behind. It was her first week back after holidays.

My good news? I am fully off antidepressants and my kidney function test means I am no longer in danger of having any kidney issues. What a blessing. However, I am now at that age where for every pill you come off, you get a new one. My diet is perfect as per all the blood work. I have no indication of diabetes but my blood pressure is off just a bit. Oh joy I get another bp pill for the next couple of months.

Took Oakley for short walks every two hours. Did I mention that the humidity is very high making the temperature feel like 40C.

I did deadhead my flower pots, so there is that.



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Please Help

 I am posting the following for a friend. We grew up together and having had members of my family have kidney problems, this is close to my ...