January 8
Temperature: -12.9C
Back to driving the GD to school. Only a few days left till they move. I love my GD and enjoy our conversations. I just am done with driving to the city every day.
On the way home, I stopped at Co-op. It is their 10 for $10 sale. I scored quite a bit. Various beans, tomato sauce, rice, bread, milk, ribs etc.Later in the week I may go back.
Son1 brought extra food home from work, mashed potatoes and broccoli. I will use the mashed potatoes to make potato cakes. They will go in the freezer. The broccoli and chicken I baked on the weekend, will be made into a casserole. I am going to have to make a trip to DDs to use the freezer there.
January 9
Temperature: -14 C
Getting to be a busy week. The house is a shambles as we get closer to Son1s move date. Not too bad out today, though I am tired of the dull days. Many people out walking. Did some housework, knitted and watched a bit of Netflix.
GD is getting home later and later each night. Working two jobs can be exhausting especially when both are retail.
Son1 is over organizing his belongings where they are stored. I asked for a list of what he needs. No list forthcoming yet. I will get a panicked phone call at some point….thinking it will be “I forgot to buy groceries” lol.
Cleaned GD fish tank today. Wow was it smelly. Yuck!
January 10th
Temperature: -6C
Well, today marks 13 years since my husband passed away unexpectedly. For whatever reason this year it hit the family harder than ever before. It was nice that his family thought of us and messaged.
I took down the outside decorations. Yup, should have done so a couple of weeks ago. Oh well, better late than never. I still need to put them away. That will be done next week, once they move.
Other than that not much going on. Hunkering down for the coming storm.
January 11
Temperature: -9C Blizzard today. Schools in the country are all closed as well as all the French schools. Lots of road closures. We are staying put today.
January 12
Temperature: -20C At first going out this morning I thought it was pretty cold. Once I was out for a minute, I realized it was going to be an awesome day to be outside. Instead, I had to get laundry done for the move on Monday. I think GS3 will be staying here this weekend. He is back playing hockey for the second half of the season. Excited to see them move into their own place and no more driving to the city every day. I really did enjoy having them here. It is an honour to be able to help my children out.
Temperature: -18.7C
Getting ready to have the kids move out. Helping organize for them. No boys here this weekend.
January 14
Temperature: -24.8 Tomorrow is the big day. GD working all day. She will finish packing when she gets back after work.
Friday. Again with the organizing. Taking many loads to the dumpster. Took GD to school.
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