Tuesday, January 11, 2022

End of 3rd week of Winter

 It has been overly cold this past week. Today, however, we have warmed up. It is currently-8C. A walk was in order and Sir Dexter, Earl of Wet Noses was more than happy to get outside. We walked and walked till he deemed it enough. We will go out again before bed time. The light is starting to stay later in the day. Not so much in the morning. Usually around the end of January, the sun is still up at 6:00 pm. It was wonderful to be outside.

 2021 Accomplishments 

1. My income taxes for 2021 are paid. Now to start on 2022.

2. I was able to can some items. Sour cherries, relish, dill pickles. 

3. I was able to go for numerous wonderful walks. It is so nice to get out in the woods. At least COVID hasn’t stopped that.

4. My overage on my Food budget was cut in half.

2022 Goals

1. I am saving towards new summer tires due in April. I am on track with $700.

2.  My goal is to get a new dehydrator and do some foraging along with anything else I can come up with.

3. I will be going for walks regularly again. My go to places are the Seine River diversion. Hardly anyone walks there. The monkey trails. I have not tried them yet but this is the year. I would like to try them while it is still winter. Of course the provincial parks are always on my agenda. Neighbour hood walks are always done.

4. I will live within my set food budget.

5. To have gifts ready when the birthdays and Christmas come. I already have five rag quilts done and have tucked away some homemade soap. I also have towels to fancy up.

In spite of COVID and the new improved Deltacrom virus, I will be getting out and about.



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