Friday, January 28, 2022

So Sorry

 I have not been able to get into my account. I hate changing passwords.

The last couple of weeks have been snowstorm after snowstorm and cold. The piles of snow are so high that they cannot even clear the corners of streets. One of the snow piling areas is closed and has been closed for a couple of weeks due to being full. At work we can get our piles of snow cleaned up but it is going to take at least a week.

We now have rotating strikes going on with Canada Post. The media has only mentioned it a couple of times. Guess the next step will be a full walkout. I feel bad for the employees, but if Canada Post doesn’t change their business model soon, there will be no more Canada Post. It is another way the government is letting us down. We really do need a change of government but right now there are no leaders who are strong enough to get us out of this mess.  

Not much being worked on though I did get one carpet shampooed. I just need to give it a good vacuum to pick up the residue.

 We have gained 16 minutes of daylight in the mornings and about an hour in the evenings. Today is sunny and will reach a high of -22C. It will be a good walking day. I am craving fresh air and being out in the sun. Maybe I will walk by the thrift store and see what is new. 


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Last week’s endeavours

 How is January going?


Groceries:  Allowed $150/ month Canadian

2 jugs of water 9.00, 2 chocolate bars ( for treats) 1.64 total: $10.83.

Dog: Allowed $50/ month 

2 packages pee pads and 1 four pack of poop bags. The pee pads are for when it is too cold for Dexter to go out. Total: 10.64.

Health: I do take vitamins as in B12, D3 and magnesium. I count those spends under groceries.

I walked 11.35 miles this week. Not bad as most of the week was cold.

I drank 320 ounces of water. Not bad need to hit 64 ounces a day.

Weight : starting weight 216.8 lbs now 214.1 lbs.

I am back on a good eating regime. Lots of fruit and vegetables, smaller amounts of carbs and two servings of protein a day.

COVID: I have not had far. My daughter and youngest son now have it. Over Christmas my daughter in law had it as well as my youngest granddaughter. It is spreading like wild fire here. Hopefully, with the widespread cases, the numbers will drop by the end of winter.

Some Christmas pictures. I just love the pjs. This is my oldest sons family minus two younger sons who were with mom. The second picture is of granddaughter holding Zeke. They all took turns snuggling with Zeke before he got put down. His kidneys failed. Not sure how old he was but the rough estimate was 15-16..

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

End of 3rd week of Winter

 It has been overly cold this past week. Today, however, we have warmed up. It is currently-8C. A walk was in order and Sir Dexter, Earl of Wet Noses was more than happy to get outside. We walked and walked till he deemed it enough. We will go out again before bed time. The light is starting to stay later in the day. Not so much in the morning. Usually around the end of January, the sun is still up at 6:00 pm. It was wonderful to be outside.

 2021 Accomplishments 

1. My income taxes for 2021 are paid. Now to start on 2022.

2. I was able to can some items. Sour cherries, relish, dill pickles. 

3. I was able to go for numerous wonderful walks. It is so nice to get out in the woods. At least COVID hasn’t stopped that.

4. My overage on my Food budget was cut in half.

2022 Goals

1. I am saving towards new summer tires due in April. I am on track with $700.

2.  My goal is to get a new dehydrator and do some foraging along with anything else I can come up with.

3. I will be going for walks regularly again. My go to places are the Seine River diversion. Hardly anyone walks there. The monkey trails. I have not tried them yet but this is the year. I would like to try them while it is still winter. Of course the provincial parks are always on my agenda. Neighbour hood walks are always done.

4. I will live within my set food budget.

5. To have gifts ready when the birthdays and Christmas come. I already have five rag quilts done and have tucked away some homemade soap. I also have towels to fancy up.

In spite of COVID and the new improved Deltacrom virus, I will be getting out and about.



Saturday, January 8, 2022

What have we here

 We have the second week of winter. It was colder than the first week.  Temperatures were around -35 in the am.

What did this past week bring? A short work week. Three days for me. Part of the staff is down with COVID. We expect more this week. With the Omricron variety, it seems like it will be not if you get it, but when you get it. I have enough groceries to last a long while. I do not want to go into any stores unless it is an emergency. I did get my booster on Monday, the 3rd. Just a sore arm for a few days. I feel a bit safer now.

I have continued thinking about this year. We definitely need to find garden space. Whether we do it all in containers or are able to rent a garden, will be determined soon. 

Daughter is having her bathroom remodelled. She took out a closet and now has a big deep tub and shower. They are at the stage where they can start mudding on Monday. However today, she needs to get the wiring done to change one two outlet plug to one that is one outlet and one switch. That will be done today. She needs to pickup her sconces, overhead light, toilet and a new door. While the mudding is going on it will give them time to change the door. When you put new walls in, the drywall needs to be mudded then it needs to dry for two to three days, then the second mud is done, repeat the drying, then they can sand. Then hang the sconces, attach the overhead lighting,  once everything is cleaned up, new flooring, new toilet then paint. Actually not sure if they will paint before they bring in the new vanity and lay the floor. Oh so long ago we did anything like it. Very exciting.

This morning I have gone through my freezer (fridge) and did stock taking. I am in good shape. In a bit, I will go through the fridge and see where I am at with that. It is not as full as it was at the beginning of the week. Then I will go through the pantry. I am out of a few spices, but those can wait. Eating plain never hurt anyone. I do need to make bread, tortillas, pitas and I need to use up some fruit in breads or muffins. 

That’s it for now.



Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year....New ???

 Happy New Year to you and yours. I trust you all survived NYE well and today you have a deep joy for what 2022 will be.

I did not stay up. Dexter and I are tied to our nightly bedtime. I did however wake up at 10:30 when the first round of fireworks went off. I then woke up an hour later when the second round went off. Who says you can’t have fireworks when the temperature is -38C? I am sure we enjoyed the short show, not so much the guys setting them off. I had just fallen asleep when my phone pinged. It was DIL wishing daughter and I a happy new year. This morning I am still receiving many wishes. 

It is sunny the past few days. So, so nice to see the sun. I will take the frigid temperatures over the clouds any day. I may venture out later. I need to take gifts left behind and dishes back to their owners. I also have joined an international walking group. I tried it last year but didn’t make the 1000 mile mark. I was chicken to walk in all the ice last year had. I have a plan now. When I do not feel safe outside, I will walk the hallways of my apartment building. 

As with almost everyone, I am thinking about this coming year. I have a lot of plans/partial plans in my head. I need to think about what I want to get out of this year. So far I have in my mind the walking above, along with lots of outside walking - weather permitting. I need to up my spiritual journey. I need more time in the bible, in prayer and in bible study. I also hope to get back to church this year. Most of the last couple of years church has been online but we miss so much of the actual service. Right now we are at 25 people. I have chosen to let others go as I am able to take part online. I am praying for churches to be opened up more this year. I will continue working through all my stitching/sewing etc stash. I am blessed as I have lots of items to choose from. I believe this year, we should be able to have more family bbq’s and picnics. Maybe even some good hiking and beach days.

Financially, I need to carry on being frugal. I do want to retire in 2023.



Did I Tell You

I am tired of winter. We have had very few nice days. It has been colder than cold, snowier than snow and way too cloudy. We are however 20 ...