Thursday, July 29, 2021

2021-07-29 - I accidentally deleted my blog

 Not that anyone read it, but it was my way of keeping up with me.

I think at first I wouldn’t blog again, but over the past week or so, I see or do things I want to remember.

I want to firstly thank all the blogs I read for the inspiration they give. It is nice to be part of a community, albeit one where no one meets face to face. I also want to thank those people over the years who read my blog. It’s nice to know someone has read a bit of it.

Since I haven’t been doing very much stitching in the past few years, my blog has turned more into a journal of everyday life and that is fine with me. I think I, and maybe others put too much pressure on ourselves to write everyday.  It doesn’t have to be so. I am giving myself permission to no post everyday.

What has been happening in my world?  A cute story to start with. Daughter too some grandkids to the lake. It was a really hot day, near noon and of course the kids were getting restless. She decided it was time for an ice cream break. They headed over to the shack, while in line, daughter saw a mother trying to stop her daughter from falling down. Daughter ran over to help. She got the gal into recovery mode, sent someone for ice and cold cloths. She was doing quite well at reviving the gal when one of the very young park employees came. This employee - Oh we need the paramedics. Daughter no I’ve got this. No We need someone experienced. Daughter I have twenty some years experience. Mother of gal on the ground. I think this lady knows what she is doing. My daughter is feeling better. Park employee stands back. Daughter says she is better, just keep. Her cool and get her something to drink. With that daughter walks back to grandkids. Mr. Z. says Well, did you at least put our order in? Older granddaughter says to brother, For crying out loud Z, auntie just saved that girls life. Cool it. Yup daughter has loads of experience helping people and has saved a few lives. So happy and thankful for those who have good training and are not afraid to step in and use it.

They are laying asphalt next door. Though I am heartily sick of construction, it is nice to have it done, it will be a lot less dust. We have been informed that we have now been in a drought situation for five years. Many farmers are getting fields ready for next year. Lots are lowing under their crops. Some are selling animals so they have a better chance at being able to feed what is remaining until next year. Towns are running really low on water. In my area we have had less than 1mm of rain in the last month. We are all in conservation mode. No watering plants, grass, gardens. No fire pit fires. No fireworks. Next will be no bathing only once per week and cut down on laundry water use. Some people will not understand that, being too young to remember the last drought, but needs must. Sure hope it ends soon. That as well as the forest fires. Western Canada and Northwest US is burning up. The smoke is bad. I can now almost imagine what my mom told me about the dirty 30s.  I’ve to stock up. Prices are on the rise and commodities are low.


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