I am feeling a bit sad. SWMBO has decided to go with friends to Hawaii for Christmas. The Millwright’s wife won’t let him come over. The Golfer wants some time down, so his boys won’t be over till maybe the 27th and maybe not till the next week. No Christmas for us this year. I am hoping to get to some Advent programs. Going to be quiet. At home, we never celebrated Christmas. We were too poor. Mom only had what money she got from chickens and that was only from late spring till late fall. Dad never gave mom a cent of his pay check. It went to drinking. I think that is why I feel sad. I wanted to always make a good time for my kids and grands at Christmas. To read them the first couple of chapters of Luke, bake some goodies and make sure they received a gift. Now, I am back to the way it was. Oh well, there will always be another get together once the Birthdays start.
I’ve been knitting and walking Oakley. People are still mowing.
I am at a stand still with my weight. I need to walk more. The way I eat is good, just a plateau. I feel cold more this winter, so am not inclined to go to the provincial parks to walk.
Took Oakley for grooming yesterday. Met daughter in the city and bummed around with her. She needs some stuff for her trip. She also needed a new item of exercise equipment. I found some new 5lb weights. My BIL took my previous ones. She needed an X-ray of her back so did that. Oakley still wasn’t done so I went to the local fish and chip place. What a mistake. It was awful. Hadn’t been there in 13 years. It use to be good. Then headed back to the groomers, picking up dog food and a toy for you know who lol. Then Oakley and I headed home. He walked, slept, ate, walked then went to bed. It was a long day for both of us.
Today, we got a skiff of snow. To the west was hit hard and now they are predicting another big storm to come through. Will be interesting to see if we get any on the east side of the province.