Sunday, May 29, 2022

That’s Much Better

 We are having a sunny day and it looks like it will be sunny for the whole week. Yay.

Third week of May

Worked my usual week. 

Had doctor appointment

Unloaded dishwasher, of course reloaded

Sold one item of furniture.

Think I may sell another item

Did  four loads of laundry

Ate from my freezer/fridge. Still feeling like winter meals.

Filled up my car. Will do two weeks. Hoping it will last a bit more. We pay $189.9 per litre. That is roughly $8.89 per gallon. We have it cheap here. The rest of the country is paying just over $2.00 per litre.

Spent $15.00 on groceries this week. There are some good deals this coming week. Will be stocking up on some items.

Kids are coming over today for a work day. I am on the short side. I need help with things I cannot reach. I also am sending some items home with youngest son. One is a table project for middle granddaughter to work on. The other is my recliner chair.  My living room is empty at the moment. New items coming in during the week.

 Am thinking that in about a week it should be warm enough to start putting plants outside. We have had frost or frost warnings the past few days. Usually the magic date for planting in the prairies is May 24th with more tender plants going in around June 1st. Some farmers are only getting on the fields now. For others there will be no planting this year. They will be thankful for crop insurance and government help. The ground is still frozen in some places and the water is running overland. Plus with all the rain we have even more flooding. Once we get some warm weather it won’t take long to dry out. The farmers last planting date here is June 12th. Already it is too late for beans. Sunflowers can be seeded late, so farmers are being encouraged to plant them. 

I started this last weekend. Another week has passed. I have spring cleaned my living, dining and kitchen areas,. Just finished in time for my new furniture to be dropped off. This will most likely be the last set of my life. The first time I could pick out what I liked lol.

Co-op has a good sale on meat this week. I bought 1/2 loin boneless rib cuts. I had one for dinner. The other four were divided up into 3 meals of marinated cubed pork for sweet and sour pork, then the other two were marinated in rosemary, pomegranate vinegar with lots of spice added. Each on of those chops will be two meals. I also got fresh butchered and prepared chicken breasts. They were huge. The eight breasts will easily do two meals each, plus they left the tenders on. I cut those off and have another two meal. I also got 1 steak. I am looking forward to that. The next time I buy meat it needs to be hamburger.

I cleaned off my patio. We are still cold and rainy here, so will wait to plant anything until maybe next weekend. We now have has the second wettest spring (March 1 till today) on record. It rained greatly today and will continue for the next few days.



Sunday, May 15, 2022


 We have now hit the middle of May. It has rained and snowed every week since the end of January. Everything is still brown and dead looking. By now we should have seen wild crocuses and dandelions. However, the willows have sprouted pussy willows. At least the willows will be green soon. I am jealous of how so much of the northern hemisphere is gardening, blooming and warm.

Farmers in various sections of our province, May or may not be able to plant crops. Last year the crops were poor due to no rain. Ha, feast or famine.

Needless to say, I have been down in the dumps due to no sun. I haven’t really been doing anything except sleeping and wasting time. Not a good way to live. I should have pulled out my SAD light. I need some heat.

No sewing or stitching has been done, but I have started to knit a sweater. It is on size 3 needles so will be a long knit. I did however, take out some canvas work today. I am having trouble taking the stitch around the corner. I think I will give it one more try today.

This is called February Fever. It is a Carolyn Mitchell design.  She is/was a designer here in Canada. I learned much of my advanced stitching skills from her when she had a shop in The big city.

Today I used up some tart shells, mincemeat and homemade cherry pie filling. I now have 24 tarts put away for when the kids come over.
Yes I tried one. My house smelled just like Christmas.

Isn’t the Ukraine war awful. I feel for those who have lost loved ones and for all who have had to evacuate. We are to get 1300 more refuges here on the 23rd. We have already had roughly 300 come in. I cannot fathom what they all must be thinking and how scared they are of where they will end up. 
I also feel for the Russian people. It is something that is not needed especially after the COVID thing. What hard choices as I am certain that families have family members who live in the other country. Such hard things to go through.


Did I Tell You

I am tired of winter. We have had very few nice days. It has been colder than cold, snowier than snow and way too cloudy. We are however 20 ...